The carnivals, a tradition maintained until today where the people hid behind masks and costumes, where parades, dances and feasts were held and where bonfires were burned sacrificing animals, all of which is the representation of paganism, a period of permissiveness, of criticism social in which rulers, nobles, clergy and even religious morality were ridiculed.
In Spain, as in many other countries, carnival is celebrated and is very famous for its originality, beauty or spectacular nature, which we wanted to highlight in this post. You can enjoy them between the months of February or March, depending on the year.
Carnivals in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
One of the most important carnivals in the world, declared of International Tourist Interest, is the one that takes place in the capital of the island of Tenerife. A carnival where sparkles, glitter, sequins and feathers are essential and where the election of the Carnival Queen is one of the most anticipated events. You will be able to see magnificent parades of floats that run through the streets of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Carnivals in Cadiz
The carnivals of Cádiz, in Andalusia, are the carnivals of comparsas, choirs and chirigotas. These are songs full of irony and criticism composed by the different groups that participate in the festivities. Its festivities begin with the contest of the Gran Teatro Falla, 2 weeks before the carnival and then it moves to the street during the days of carnival.
Carnival in Águilas (Murcia)
Known for its night parades, it is a milestone to attend the “release of the musona”, a mythological character who walks the streets and whose makeup is always very spectacular. In addition, it has two traditions that are carried out, one of them is the throwing of shells (eggs stuffed with pieces of paper) and the second tradition is to drink “cuerva”, which is a drink called a magic potion that awakens the spirit of Carnival. .
Although we have listed 3 of the most important carnivals in Spain, we must not forget the carnivals that take place in many Spanish provinces that also stand out for their originality and beauty. In the Carnival of Verín (Galicia), the “fariñadas” (flour battles) are an important factor, as well as the masked figure of the Cigarrón.
Other carnivals of national tourist interest would also be the carnivals of Badajoz, Pontevedra, Sitges, Lantz, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, La Bañeza, Toro, Herencia, Villarrobledo to name a few.
What Carnival will you dare to attend this year?